Grabowski, Artur (ed.) (1967-)
Wojtyła–Grotowski &. The religious horizon of modern theater and drama in Poland and around the world
- Miejsce publikacji
- Warszawa
- Rok publikacji
- 2023
- Publiczna notka
- digital edition
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Introduction ► [ 7 ]
Artur Grabowski
Man on Stage, a Person in Theatre. On the Art of Acting and Its Relationship to the Religion of Jerzy Grotowski and Karol Wojtyła ► [ 13 ]
Wojtyła/Grotowski – philosophy and politics ► [ 27 ]
Anna Kawalec
Wojtyła and Grotowski in the Arena of Contemporary Culture ► [ 29 ]
Anna Karoń Ostrowska
Karol Wojtyła’s theology of theatre and Józef Tischner’s philosophy of drama ► [ 51 ]
Daniel Roland Sobota
Performer as a Person and Act. The Philosophy of Jerzy Grotowski’s Work in the Light of Karol Wojtyła’s Person and Act ► [ 61 ]
Yanna Popova
The Body and the Word: on the Sources of Self-knowledge in the Theatrical Practices of Grotowski and Wojtyła ► [ 97 ]
Dariusz Piotr Klimczak
“Sacred universe.” Allegory and allegoresis in the interpretation of plays by Karol Wojtyła and the theater of Jerzy Grotowski ► [ 115 ]
Ewa Hoffmann-Piotrowska
The Lord Christ by Jerzy Grotowski ► [ 137 ]
Rafał Węgrzyniak
The Accursed Prince. Manipulations around Jerzy Grotowski’s Staging of Calderon/Słowacki’s The Constant Prince at the Laboratory Theatre ► [ 159 ]
Józefa Zając-Jamróz
Theatre of the Word, Theatre of the Body. Techniques of the Actor’s Work According to Mieczysław Kotlarczyk and Zygmunt Molik ► [ 169 ]
Grotowski – religion, religions, spirituality ► [ 179 ]
Anna Caixach
Jerzy Grotowski’s essential search for the original wholeness: a path to the primordial non-dual truth based on Ramana Maharshi’s teachings ► [ 181 ]
Călin Ciobotari
Grotowski and the Dramatic Text. Interpretation, Profanation, and Sacralisation ► [ 195 ]
Dominika Laster
The Tree of Life and the Ladder of Transformation: A Short Discourse on Grotowski and Kabbalah ► [ 203 ]
Marco de Marinis
Grotowski. Theatre as Gnosis ► [ 215 ]
Tamara Trojanowska
Grotowski and the Demonic (the Demonic Grotowski?) ► [ 233 ]
Ilaria Salonna
On Grotowski’s Expression “Carnal Prayer” (and Prayeras a Discipline of the “Athlete of God”) ► [ 255 ]
Religious inspirations in the theatre contemporary ► [ 265 ]
Tadeusz Kornaś
Masses in Theatre and Church. Between Osterwa, John Paul II, and Grotowski ► [ 267 ]
Paweł Stangret
Breaking Down through Repetition – Religion as Quotation ► [ 283 ]
Trausti Ólafsson
Ibsen’s Use of Holy Days: An Amalgam of Philosophy, Poetry, and Religion ► [ 293 ]
Avra Sidiropoulou
The Irreverent Spirituality of Romeo Castellucci ► [ 309 ]
Alina Epingeac
Experiment, Intimacy, Emotion – a Religion for the Art Theatre ► [ 319 ]
George Shalutashvili
Metaphysical Training and Its Importance in the Process of Teaching Actors. Mirror Neurons and Acting (Metaphysical Training) ► [ 325 ]
Tyrone Grima
Performance through Nothingness ► [ 333 ]
Witold Wołowski
Jean-François-Farid Boukraba: Schizophrenia, Violence, Forgiveness ► [ 351 ]
Magdalena Hasiuk
Practising “Re-ligare” in the Activities of the Węgajty Theatre ► [ 371 ]
Katarzyna Biela
Wojtyła–Grotowski & Fajfer. The Sacred, Identity, and Feedback Loop ► [ 391 ]
Jacek Kopciński
Dogs, People, and God: Ecotheology in the Plays of Mariusz Bieliński and Jarosław Jakubowski ► [ 403 ]
Tomasz Man
It was winter ► [ 429 ]
Theatre, literature – religion ► [ 439 ]
Iwona E. Rusek
Creating a Role in the Actor’s Consciousness. Berent–Grotowski ► [ 441 ]
Kazimierz Kowalewicz
Grotowski and Miłosz. The Briefest Remarks with Religion in the Background ► [ 457 ]
Zbigniew Władysław Solski
Trinitarian Meditation by St. John Paul II ► [ 471 ]
Hubert Okonowicz
Baczyński’s Theatre ► [ 501 ]
Anna Opolska
Merton. Non-existent Correspondence ► [ 517 ]
Biographies ► [ 529 ]
Book available also in Polish version.